Meet the financial obligations associated with business loans in the event of death without hassle.
Is this insurance coverage for you?
Type of insurance
Insurable persons
Borrower, co-borrower, guarantor or surety, shareholder, officer, key person
9 insureds maximum
Age of eligibility
Between 18 and 69 years old inclusively
Termination of insurance
75 years old
*An individual who plays an essential role in the borrowing company’s ability to meet its financial obligations.
You must also be a permanent resident or a Canadian citizen when you sign the application.
Exclusion and limitations
Life insurance coverage on the business loan is offered by Acadia Life. It includes certain exclusions and restrictions. To find out what they are, you can consult the insurance contract available at your Caisse.
Legal Notice
The information presented on this site summarizes the nature and conditions of the life insurance coverage available on the business loan. It has no contractual value. This information is intended to be clear and simple and to facilitate your understanding of the product.
The insurance contract contains all the terms and conditions of the insurance coverage. Only the contract can be used to determine legal issues.
Want to learn more about the Loan Insurance?
For more information, do not hesitate to contact us to schedule an appointment.