Financial support for educational institutions and organizations
We provide financial assistance to organizations that work for young people and to educational institutions through sponsorships and donations.
At the Caisse, we work to provide people with the means to take their financial futures and quality of life into their own hands, which is why we encourage the cooperative, economic and financial education of members.
In compliance with cooperative values, the Caisse provide their elected officers with a training program based specifically on their responsibilities. Being an elected officer of a Caisse today involves dealing with increasingly complex issues. Officers are also subject to unprecedented requirements in terms of governance. Find out more about elected officers.
Because it’s never too early to learn about savings, the Caisse Alliance continues to offer the Student Savers program for children. Formerly known as the Caisse École, the Student Savers program is the oldest educational activity supported by the Caisse. It allows students to discover the value of savings.
Our high schools are also reaping the rewards of cooperation with the Student Caisse. Students learn about the importance of making a budget and they learn how to run a financial cooperative.
We provide financial assistance to organizations that work for young people and to educational institutions through sponsorships and donations.