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Epost Agreement

Epost Agreement

Terms and Conditions Governing the epost Service

Addendum to the Terms and Conditions Governing the Use of the debit card – Individuals

L’ACPOL is happy to offer you the epost service (hereinafter referred to as “the Service”), which comprises the delivery of electronic bills and or any document related thereto. Please read carefully the following provisions before registering for the Service.

By registering for the Service, I agree to be bound by the terms stipulated below:

  1. Debit card
    I already hold a debit card and am familiar with the terms and conditions governing its use. I am a user of the Allia service and I know the terms and conditions applicable to it. I acknowledge that the terms and conditions governing the debit card and the Allia service also apply to the Service.
  2. Accessible equipment
    I acknowledge that the computer used is an accessible equipment within the meaning of the terms and conditions governing the use of the debit card.
  3. Liability
    I acknowledge that L’ACPOL assumes no liability as to any business relationship I might have with the supplying company from which I receive bills or documents through the Service. I further acknowledge that any dispute relating to the billing procedure and/or bill contents shall be settled directly with the supplying company.
  4. Information disclosure
    I authorize L’ACPOL to disclose to my service supplying company the information required for the smooth operation of the Service.
  5. Service termination
    I can put an end to the use of the Service at any time, by using the function provided for this purpose within the Allia service. L’ACPOL shall be relieved from any liability for any subsequent bill or document delivery. I am responsible for notifying the service supplying company that I shall no longer use the Service.L’ACPOL reserves the right to terminate the Service at any time.
  6. Applicable legislation
    This agreement is written in conformity with the Ontario legislation and must be interpreted in relation thereto and submitted exclusively to its courts.
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