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First Home Savings Account (FHSA)

Make your dream a reality.

Is this savings plan for you?

  • You want to save to buy or build a qualifying first home (up to certain limits).
  • You are looking to reduce your taxable income and benefit from tax savings.
  • You want to choose from the different types of investments eligible for FHSAs based on your risk tolerance and investment objectives.



Account type: Regular savings, guaranteed fixed-rate investment, market-linked guaranteed investment, investment funds

Return paid: Varies according to the product (account type)

Fees: None

Tax advantages: FHSA contributions are generally deductible on your income tax and can reduce your tax bill and allow you to accumulate your savings tax-free right up to the realization of your projects.

Maximum age to contribute to a FHSA: 71 years

Maximum annual contribution: $8,000 in 2024

Maximum lifetime contribution: $40,000


All FHSA eligible investments

Choose from our various FHSA investments according to your risk tolerance and investment objectives.

Regular Savings Account Account to accumulate funds through a single deposit or scheduled periodic instalments
Guaranteed fixed-rate investments Investments with capital 100% guaranteed and a fixed interest rate guaranteed until maturity
Market-linked guaranteed investments Guaranteed capital investments with returns based on a stock market index or portfolio of financial assets
Investment Funds Funds that help you diversify your portfolio and benefit from the expertise of seasoned fund managers

Get the most out of your FHSA

Contribution deadline
  • Deadline to contribute to your FHSA; covers the calendar year and the first 60 days of the following year. The deadline to contribute to your FHSA for the 2024 tax year is December 31, 2024.
  • Contribution limit for a FHSA for 2024
  • Maximum age to contribute to a FHSA

Contribute by regular instalments

To contribute a significant amount annually without straining your budget, just contribute throughout the year and avoid the February rush. This way, your capital will be in a tax shelter for a longer period of time since your contributions will earn interest from day one.

Select the regular instalment plan where your contributions are withdrawn directly from your account. You’ll see: a few dollars each week or month will add up.

Cash FHSA contribution

To contribute once at the end of the year or to shelter capital such as bonuses, vacation pay, etc., your contributions can be made directly into your FHSA, with no deductions at source.

Products to which you can contribute cash:

  • FHSA Regular Savings (FHSA RS): to contribute to your FHSA whenever you decide to, depending on your budget.
  • Guaranteed fixed-rate investments (term savings, redeemable, diversified, rate raiser): for risk-free capital growth.
  • Market-linked guaranteed investments: to invest in Canadian or international markets risk-free.
  • Investment Funds: to invest in Canadian or foreign shares, bonds, mortgage securities or money market securities.




More information

Interested in contributing by regular instalments?

  1. Authorise your Caisse to withdraw the amount you choose as often as you like.
  2. If you already have a FHSA Regular Savings Account, you can log on to Allia and set up the instalments to be made in advance at the frequency you want.

No need to give it another thought – transfers are made automatically.

You can change the amount and frequency any time you wish.

All you have to do is choose the investment vehicle you want.



Mutual funds and other securities are offered through Aviso Wealth, a division of Aviso Financial Inc.

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