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I’m requested to do a mandatory update of my mobile app, what should I expect?

If you are asked to perform a mandatory update when opening your mobile app, you must follow the steps. You will then be able to access your accounts as usual. It’s simply that we’ve made improvements to enhance your online banking experience! If you have any questions, please contact one of our branches.

When Allia updates:

  • If you see a page asking you to update again after your update, this is normal. Rather than tapping “Skip,” swipe the page to the right, then tap “Done” in the upper right corner.
  • If you do not see a mandatory update message when opening your app, it is possible that your device automatically updated to the latest version of Allia.
  • For IOS users: Following the mandatory update of the Allia mobile app, the Face ID feature is disabled for security purposes. You must enter your password to log in to Allia. If Face ID does not reactivate automatically the second time you log in, you will need to reconfigure it.
  • For Android users: Following the mandatory update of the Allia mobile app, the fingerprint identification feature is disabled for security purposes. You must enter your password to log in to Allia for the first time. The fingerprint identification feature is automatically reactivated on the second login.
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