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How does mobile cheque deposit work?

With mobile deposit, you can deposit cheques without having to go in-branch or at an ATM. It’s quick and easy! You’ll find the mobile deposit feature on your Allia mobile app.

View our interactive demo to learn how to deposit a cheque using your mobile device.

What you need to know

  • Most cheques are eligible for mobile deposits.
  • The cheque must be in Canadian currency and must be from a Canadian financial institution.
  • When making a mobile deposit, you must keep your cheque for 90 days and destroy it within 120 days. Once the deposit is confirmed, write “Deposited” across the front of the cheque as a reminder that it’s been done. Put the cheque in a secure location in case the original is required for any reason.
  • Rules applicable to cheque hold periods are the same as those for cheques deposited in-branch.
  • There are no deposit limits.
  • This feature is free.
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