To help you keep a handle on your spending, take advantage of free monthly account statements.
Your monthly statement lists all of your transactions for the month:
- Deposits
- Withdrawals
- Transfers
- Direct payment purchases
At a single glance, you can see exactly where you’re at, financially speaking! And, it’s free!
- It costs nothing.
- Available on the 1st of each month on Allia Internet.
- They can be viewed at any time and from anywhere on Allia.
- You help reduce the use of paper and contribute to the health of the planet.
- You can save it to your hard drive or print it out.
- You can download it in a variety of formats, and then import it into text processing software, a spreadsheet or a database.
The monthly statement of account available on Allia Internet contains roughly the same information as the paper statement you get in the mail each month, but it’s more flexible.
Note: The printed statement is mailed to members who request it.