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Financial Summary and Balance Sheet – Allia

Financial Summary

See all your Caisse’s assets and liabilities together in a personal balance sheet directly on Allia.


  • Overview: a comprehensive look at your savings, investments and financing products (loans) held at your Caisse.
  • Detailed view: Get more information on each of your accounts.
  • Detailed balance sheet: Draw up a complete personalized balance sheet by adding your personal assets, like your real estate and personal property, as well as your holdings at other financial institutions.

Balance Sheet

A complete information management tool that allows you to view not only your assets and liabilities at the Caisse, but your personal property and all your accounts in other financial institutions.

You can include your:

  • savings accounts
  • investments (GICs, mutual funds, stocks, bonds, etc.)
  • real estate (primary and secondary residences, etc.)
  • personal property (vehicles, furniture, valuables, etc.)
  • loans, credit cards and lines of credit, etc.


  • Security and confidentiality: Allows you to get a confidential overview of all your assets and liabilities.
  • Include up to 10 accounts: You may include up to 10 investment accounts (and all information about each account) 10 loans, credit cards and lines of credit, etc., as well as all your personal property and real estate.
  • User-friendly: Enter information easily from lists and dropdown menus and with easy-to-use functionality.
  • Immediate update: Real-time updates.
  • Printable: Printable version for your files or investment advisor.
  • Access it anywhere: Available on Allia anytime and from anywhere.

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