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Caisse or Bank: What’s the difference?

Do you know the differences?

The Caisse populaire The bank
Nature Financial services cooperative Private establishment
Owners Caisse populaire members (you, your parents, your neighbours, etc.). A few shareholders
Objective The economic and social well-being of all its members and economic development of its community by, for example:

  • sponsoring events
  • donating money to a community organization
  • awarding student bursaries
Works to enrich shareholders.
Management Each Caisse populaire is managed locally by elected officials and members. Managed by the head office that is often located away from its clients’ community.
Participation in the annual general meeting and vote

All members can take part in their Caisse populaire’s Annual General Meeting, vote and run for the position of elected officer.

1 member=1 vote

Only shareholders can attend the bank’s Annual General Meeting.

1 share=1 vote

Distribution of surplus earnings A portion of their surplus earnings is given back to their members and community through member dividends, when possible. A portion of the profits is given to a small group of shareholders through dividends.



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