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Unexpected package? Beware of fraud!

Unexpected package? Beware of fraud!

If you receive an unexpected free package, beware of fraud!

It could be brushing fraud.


More Details:

Companies, often operating overseas, purchase items and have them shipped to random recipients so the seller can then write a favourable review on the product to boost their product ratings on marketplaces like Amazon.

You may be asked to scan a QR code inside the package to find out who it’s from. If so, please refrain from doing so. You could expose the personal information on your mobile device.

Check with your family and friends. If you receive a package that you did not order and is not a gift, please report it immediately!


On its website, Amazon says that customers who receive unsolicited packages should immediately report the delivery, noting that third-party resellers on the platform are prohibited from the practice.

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