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Frequently Asked Questions – Automated Fund Transfers

User IDs, Passwords and Tokens

The log in URL is: Users need to enter their own User ID, a password and a security code from a soft or hard security token. Do not bookmark this URL. If you bookmark URLs after you’ve authenticated you will receive an error message the next time you log in.

When you are prompted to change your temporary password, the password requirements are:

• Must be a minimum of eight (8) characters in length
• Must contain at least one (1) upper and one (1) lower case character
• Must contain at least one (1) non-alphanumeric character
• Must contain at least one (1) numeric character
• Must not be the same password used as the last 24 used

Note: A user that has not accessed the system will be removed after 12 months of inactivity.

2-Step Security is a method of authenticating a user by confirming two factors of authentication: a username and password and the use of a physical hard token or a soft token on a smart phone. A token generates a one-time password is required to access the PaymentStream AFT application.

A soft token is a 2-Step Security token that is installed on the user’s mobile device as a mobile app. A hard token is a physical 2-Step Security token with a battery inside.

The Google Authenticator is a free app for Android, iPhone or Blackberry that does not require WI-FI or data connectivity. The data is only used during the initial download of the app to the device.

No. Tokens are security devices and cannot be shared or reassigned.

No. Neither soft nor hard tokens expire.

Limits, Approval, Users

Mandatory Forced Approval is when a business has one or more Originator IDs and the monthly limit accumulatively exceeds $1 million dollars in either debits or credits. All Originator IDs for that organization will require approval. Mandatory forced approvals are automatically enforced within PaymentStream AFT.
The business may be forced into the mandatory approval due to combined $1M monthly limit.

These would be the highest individual amounts processed in a single transaction – i.e. a gym membership value or an individual’s payroll amount. The amount of an AFT transaction cannot exceed the Corporate Client’s (Originator’s) set transaction limit.

This would be the total day amount of AFT transactions settled in a single day – i.e. the value of five gym memberships or five payrolls being processed on that particular day. The total amount of AFT transactions settled in a day cannot exceed the Corporate Client’s (Originator’s) settlement day limit. Transactions due on weekends and holidays will settle on the following Business Day.

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