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Child’s First Name*
Child’s Last Name*
Gender (optional)MasculinFĂ©minin
Date of Birth (optional)
Postal Code*
S.I.N (optional)
Father’s/Guardian’s First Name
Father’s/Guardian’s Last Name
Primary Phone (home/mobile)
Secondary Phone (work)
Postal Code
Father’s/Guardian’s Date of Birth
Mother’s/Guardian’s First Name
Mother’s/Guardian’s Last Name
Mother’s/Guardian’s Date of Birth
Check the options that apply to the childâs tax residence. Country of residence for tax purposes or U.S. citizenship.
Child’s Tax ResidenceI am a Canadian resident.I am of American citizenship or a resident of the United States.I am a resident of a tax jurisdiction other than Canada or the United States.
For account withdrawals:One signature: the child is the sole signatory to the accountTwo signatures: one signature required by a parent/guardian and the child
I am applying to become a member of the Caisse. I agree to comply with the Caisseâs by-laws upon enrolment. I understand and acknowledge that the opening of my folio is subject to the results of the financial audit on me and my membership, which will be conducted by the Caisseâs Board of Directors or a person designated by the Board. I agree to be bound by the folio management terms, which were provided to me by the Caisse.
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