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Concours Épargne jeunesse

The Student Savers Contest is a popular activity that falls well within the goals of the Ontario curriculum. This contest aims to give elementary, middle and high school youth the chance to express themselves on a given subject. Visual arts and writing are the selected methods for showcasing their talents. 

This contest is helping the Caisse to achieve the following goals:

• Support teachers by proposing activities aligned with the curriculum;

• Encourage students to stand out in visual arts and writing;

• Raise youth awareness of cooperation;

• Support the Student Savers Program;

• Increase the Caisse’s visibility and notoriety with school partners in Ontario. 

The Student Savers Contest is open to all English and French schools in the Caisse Alliance area, whether or not they participate in the Student Savers Program. Students from kindergarten to grade 12 attending a participating school are eligible for the visual arts component. Students in grades 2 to 12 attending a participating school are eligible for the writing component. 

Children of Caisse Alliance employees, as well as members of the Board of Directors and Regional Cooperative Committees, are eligible to participate in the contest, especially since the judges are external. 

School administrators interested in learning more about this visual arts and writing contest should contact the resource person in their region. 

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