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Scheduled Transactions

Set up transactions in advance to take place just once or on a recurring basis at the frequency and on the dates you choose.


Eligible transactions
Viewing and changing transactions You can view or change scheduled transactions at any time.
Pending transactions Click Search transactions in the right-hand menu, and then Scheduled, to view your scheduled transactions and most of the preauthorized transactions made by your caisse populaire (except withdrawals and direct deposits).
Scheduled transactions are also available under the Calendar icon in the right-hand menu.
Processing of scheduled transactions
  • All Interac e-TransfersTM received are processed at 6:30 a.m. daily, seven days a week.
  • Upcoming transfers are processed in the evening.
  • Bill payments are generally processed in the evening, except for Fridays and Saturdays when they are processed in the afternoon.
  • In general, upcoming transfers and bill payments are completed on the day you choose. However, some conditions apply. The following table lists the processing schedule for transactions:

Transaction processing times

Day on which the transaction is scheduled to be carried out Day on which the transaction is entered in your account Day on which Allia processes the transaction
Sunday Monday Monday
Monday Monday Monday
Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday
Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday
Thursday Thursday Thursday
Friday Saturday Friday
Saturday Monday Monday


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