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Money Transfers between individuals

Use this feature to:

  • transfer money to the account of another Caisse Alliance member
  • receive money from another Caisse Alliance in complete security
  • pay money you owe another individual (for your share of a group gift or reservation, etc.)
  • pay for occasional services (e.g.: plumber, electrician, etc.)
  • pay for recurring expenses (e.g.: rent and child care fees)
  • help out a parent, friend or child studying away from home
  • get paid back, too!


Several ways to make transfers Make transfers online on Allia and at ATMs.
Maximum daily amount The money transfer limit is the maximum amount of transfers that can be done in a single day to other CPAL members. The default daily money transfer limit is $5,000 for members age 18 and up, and $1,000 for minors. Your caisse may review your limit if you are a minor.
Flexibility Transactions can be carried out immediately or scheduled to take place at a later date, just once or on a regular basis.
Cost The same fees apply as those charged for transfers between accounts. No charge for recipients of money transfers.
Speed and security Immediate, on a secure connection and without holds on funds .

How it works

1. Activate the money transfer function

This must be done before you make your first money transfer.
Contact one of our advisors.

2. Create your list of recipients

Get the information required from each recipient you want to add to your list. Or obtain from them a void cheque. All the information required is on the cheque.

Log on to Allia to enter the information.

  • If you use Allia and the ATM

To have your list of money transfer recipients displayed at the ATM, log on to Allia and click on:

    • Profile and preferences in the right-hand menu
    • Manage ATM access under “in the Manage access” section.
  • If you use only the ATM
    Contact an advisor.

3. Make money transfers

Once you’ve made your list of recipients, you can transfer funds to their account instantly**:

  • on Allia (from Transfers in the right-hand menu, select Money transfers) or
  • at the ATM (click on Transfer, and then on Money transfers)
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