Your Debit Card is one of the best ways to get cash abroad because it gives you access to thousands of ATMs on every continent.
Types of ATMs
Interac network ATMs
In all Canadian provinces, Debit Cards are accepted across Canada wherever you see the Interac symbol. Network access fees of $1.50 apply, and ATM owners may also charge additional service fees.
- Daily maximum:
- $300 if the ATM withdrawal limit allocated to your folio is C$1,000 or less.
- If the limit allocated to your folio is more than $1,000, then that limit applies as the daily maximum.
The ATM withdrawal limit allocated by default to your folio is usually C$1,000 per day. Your Caisse can change this amount, which can be anywhere between $0 and $2,500*.
- Maximum per withdrawal: C$500 or the limit of the ATM used, whichever is lower.
PLUS network ATMs *
Outside of Canada, you can withdraw local currency at any ATM that carries the PLUS symbol. The exchange rate for that day will be applied, plus a $3.00 fee per withdrawal. However, the ATM owner may charge an additional service fee.
- Daily maximum:
- C$500 if the ATM withdrawal limit allocated to your folio is C$1,000 or less.
- If the limit allocated to your folio is more than $1,000, then the limit applies as the daily maximum.
The ATM withdrawal limit allocated by default to your folio is usually C$1,000 per day. Your Caisse populaire can change this amount, which can be anywhere between $0 and $2,500*.
- Maximum per withdrawal: C$500 or the limit of the ATM used (US$200 minimum), whichever is lower.
NYCE network retailers
In the U.S., another way to obtain cash is to withdraw cash when you make a purchase (when available) at any one of 1.5 million NYCE retailers. There are no network access fees. Note that not all merchants offer their customers the option of making a withdrawal when making a purchase and that many set a withdrawal limit.
Find out more – See the ATMs pages.
* Limits applicable to ATMs can be subject to review by your Caisse populaire, to be increased or decreased, according to your activities or your needs