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Why choose a caisse rather than a bank?

Caisse or bank, is there really a difference?

Cash registers and banks are the two main types of financial institutions that provide retail banking services.

It is basically the cooperative model that distinguishes a caisse from a bank. While a bank is owned and administered by a few shareholders, a caisse belongs to its members.

As a member of a caisse, you can participate in its management and receive a portion of its financial surpluses in the form of dividends when the results allow it.

Caisse Bank
Its nature Financial Services Cooperative Private institution
Its owners Members of the Caisse Some shareholders
Its objective The economic and social well-being of all its members and the economic development of its community, for example by:

  • sponsoring an event
  • donating money to a community organization
  • awarding scholarships
Enriching its shareholders
Its management Each caisse populaire is administered by community leaders who are elected by the members The bank is managed by the head office, which is often located outside the city of its clients
Participation in the Annual General Meeting and Vote

All members may participate in the annual general meeting of their credit union, vote and nominate themselves for election as officers.

One member = one vote

Only shareholders attend the bank’s annual general meeting

One share = one vote

Distribution of surplus cash Returns a portion of its surplus earnings to members and the community in the form of dividends, when the results allow it Distributes a portion of its profits to a small group of shareholders in the form of dividends


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