Part of our profits are distributed to members under certain conditions at the end of the fiscal year. The money comes from the Caisse’s surplus earnings and is “returned” to the member-owners.
As a financial services cooperative, the Caisse is guided by cooperative principles, illustrated by the sharing of surplus earnings.
When profits are distributed, the amount you receive is proportional to your volume of business with the caisse during the year. In other words, the more products and services you use, the better it is for you!
Profit distributions are calculated on mortgages, personal loans, term savings deposits and deferred tax savings plans.
You have to have been a Caisse member during the financial year. You may become a member by buying a $10 share when you open your account.
This gives you the right to attend annual general meetings and based on the “one person, one vote” rule, elect administrators and participate in other decisions such as the distribution of surplus earnings.