A. If you witness any one of the scams described in this section, report it to The Canadian Anti-fraud Call Centre.
A. When you’re at an ATM, pay special attention to the following:
When you’re in a store:
When you make credit or debit card transactions, make sure that there are no suspicious looking wires attached to the handheld keypad. Furthermore, if the keypad seems to have been glued on top of the original keyboard or if the cashier swipes your card through the reader several times, he or she may be trying to skim your card.
Make sure you always keep an eye on your debit and credit cards. Electronic payment terminals in stores should always be in plain view.
If you have any doubts about a transaction you made, we recommend that you change your PIN.
A. If you suspect card skimming equipment has been installed on an ATM, report it to your Caisse populaire immediately.
If you think you have been a victim of fraud :
It is also recommended that you contact credit agencies like Equifax (1-800-465-7166 or 514-493-2314) or Trans-Union
(1-877-713-3393 or 514-335-0374). They will add a note to your file to alert credit providers that you may have been a victim of fraud.
A. When you use your Debit Card to make a withdrawal or deposit at an ATM, you are sometimes asked to enter the day and month of your date of birth to confirm your identification.
This helps us to further reduce the risk of card fraud (by cloning) because it helps confirm that you are the true owner of the card.
A. An additional security measure limits the total amount of ATM withdrawals that can be made at other financial institution ATMs in Canada to $300 a day. This aims to minimize the amount that can be fraudulently withdrawn. As for withdrawals made at ATMs outside of Canada, the limit is C$500 a day.
Example: You’re in Paris and the euro is worth C$1.50. The maximum amount you can withdraw at the ATM is 330 euros, i.e. C$495, plus user fees.
If you reach this limit, you can make additional withdrawals at a Caisse Alliance ATM. You will however, have to confirm that you are the real cardholder by entering your date and month of birth.
Please note: If the daily limit allocated to your folio at the Caisse is less than the daily withdrawal limit of $300 (at non-Caisse Alliance ATMs in Canada) and $500 (at non-Caisse populaire ATMs outside Canada), your daily limit will apply. Using the example above, if the daily limit allocated to your folio is $200, the maximum amount you can withdraw is 133 euros.
As a member of the Interac Association, Caisse Alliance participates in raising awareness to protect debit card Personal Identification Numbers. See the new “Protect your PIN” labels.
*Trademark of Interac Inc.
A. As part of our credit card supplier’s ongoing commitment to providing industry-aligned security measures for eCommerce and online transactions, enhancements to the one-time passcode fraud protection for cardholders has been launched. These enhancements align with industry standards and best practices, reinforcing existing measures to safeguard cardholder accounts.
A one-time passcode is a secure authentication method. This numeric code is sent to your mobile number. A six-digit passcode window will pop up during your online transaction when additional security is requested.
If you receive such a request, you will need to check your mobile phone for a text-message containing the passcode and enter it in the appropriate field. This code will be valid for five minutes. Please note: the transaction will not be processed if the passcode is not entered once the limit has expired.
If you did not receive a code and are presented with a window requesting the code, please contact Cardholder Services at 1.855.341.4643 to confirm the mobile number that’s on file.
Additionally, contact Cardholder Services immediately if you:
As a reminder, Collabria, our credit card supplier, will never contact you and ask to share the passcode over the phone, by text or by email. Collabria also will never ask you to click or share personal information such as credit card account numbers, social insurance numbers, etc.
A. Debit card fraud:
If your card is lost or stolen, contact your Caisse populaire immediately or dial the following number: 1-833-622-1631
Credit card fraud
Canada and the U.S.: 1-800-363-3380
Other countries: Call collect: 514-397-4610
A. If you witness any one of the scams described in this section, report it to The Canadian Anti-fraud Call Centre.