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ATM – Features

ATM – Features

Our ATMs give you direct access to your accounts, at any time, without having to visit a branch.


Eligible transactions

You can use your Debit Card to make the following transactions and operations:

  • deposits*
  • withdrawals
  • transfers
  • money transfers
  • payments to your line of credit*
  • information about account balances in your folio*
  • changing the PIN (personal identification number) on your Debit Card

Business hours

Our ATMs are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week (except Sundays, 2 a.m. to 6 a.m., EST, when you can only make withdrawals)

Transaction fees

If you have a monthly fixed-rate plan, most ATM transactions are included in your plan**. Transactions exceeding the number allowed by your plan or not included in your plan are billed at the rate set for regular transactions. Additional fees are charged for using certain ATMs:

  • Charges of $1.50 apply to withdrawals made from ATMs of other financial institutions in the Interac network.
  • You must pay a $3.00 fee for each transaction or operation made from a PLUS network ATM.
  • A fee is charged for withdrawals made at a Caisse populaire ATM member of L’Alliance des caisses populaires de l’Ontario ltée by users who are not members.

Did you know?

Registering your bills in Allia helps reduce your service charges!


To quickly determine which ATMs you should use when travelling outside of Quebec or Canada, see If you run short of cash


* Free transactions or operations.
** ATM payments of bills not registered in your bill file are not included in the Economy, Mid-level and Autonomous plans.

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